Notes on Political Venality, Pomposity and Associated Stupidity.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Santorum Flip Flops Like a Nervous Trout!

Rick Santorum will do anything to stay in power. After all, for close to 20 years, he’s been sucking at the hind teat of the government, making his living on the backs of working men and women from across Pennsylvania — and he doesn’t want to lose his bully pulpit. He doesn’t want to go back onto private practice, where, though the money is better, the press coverage is far less pervasive.

So, while facing polls that show him stumbling badly, Rick has decided to play the game, “Race To The Middle!” This is where you say a few things and vote on a few bills so that you can use those bits and pieces in campaign advertising.

The most blatant of these so far was his speech recently at Geneva College in Beaver Falls, PA, where the junior Senator was handing out pork. At that event, Santorum said he doesn’t believe that intelligent design belongs in the science classroom. This is a complete flip-flop from what he said in a Washington Times (the Sun Young Moon rag) editorial several years ago, where he was anything but ambiguous.

“…intelligent design is a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in the classroom.”

I guess the questions is Rick, what do you really believe in? It's my opinion, of course, that you believe in money, power and staying in office, no matter what the cost. Hell, you can't even be "true to your school!" As soon as the pressure is on, you listen to what your consultant says and you dash around PA pretending to be a normal human...and sending your base into a tizzy.

However, perhaps, in the case of the ID debate, something more devious is at work.

Remember that Santorum’s wife Karen home schools their children. Perhaps Rick just means that most good Christian parents should abandon the public school system altogether and teach ID at home! Let the schools do what they want…’cause our children, the children who will venture forth thoroughly indoctrinated, will have gotten their dose of ID at home and will therefore be innoculated angainst that nasty liberal "scientific method."

In any event, this flip-flop is one of many that will become issues in the year ahead, as Santorum desperately attempts to connect with the soccer moms and the more moderate voters he’ll need to win. Keep your eyes open, because “Radical Rick” will be trying hard to become “Middle of the Road Rick,” long enough to score another six years in DC…you know, down there where he really lives, breeds and pockets the money.