Greens Gone. Santorum Camp Turns a Lovely Shade of Autumn Red
The PA Green Party, which takes its name from the color of money which the GOP larded on it this year, will not have a candidate on the fall Senate ballot. A court has ruled that Carl Romanelli didn't have enough valid signatures to give him that much-vaunted spot. Another court could potentially give him a reprieve, but for now, the Casey campaign can cheer and the Santorum campaign can flush with anger. Their sleazy gambit did not pay off.
In the meantime, a new Q-University poll shows Casey holding onto essentially the same lead he's had for months. After spending millions on media, including some of the most specious and blatantly false ads ever to run in PA, Santorum has hardly moved any numbers. From here out, it is likely that Casey will be able to match Santorum dollar-for-dollar.
But....I still await the "swiftboating." My hunch is that Santorum and his media hacks still have something in their back pocket. It may be totally untrue, it may be an outright lie, but Rick must figure, "That's what Confession is for. I'll fib now...and ask for forgiveness later...."
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