Notes on Political Venality, Pomposity and Associated Stupidity.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Santorum Gets Dirty, Early

If you follow politics, you know about push polls. In a world where sleaziness is the norm, they are the scum way down under the bucket in the dank place where even the normal scum are afraid to go. The most infamous and well-publicized push poll was used to insinuate that Senator John McCain had fathered an illegitimite child.

For the uninitiated, they work like this. I call your house and ask questions like, "Would you feel better or worse about Bob Casey is you knew he was a serial murderer and child molester?" The idea is to plant negatives where none should exist.

And apparently this is exactly what holier-than-thou Rick Santorum has stooped to. For a full retelling of a "close encounter of the push poll kind" I suggest you go here and let 2politicjunkies regale you.

If true, and I have absolutely no reason to question 2pj's veracity, then this is a foul and despicable move by a wholly desperate man, who will, it seems, stop at nothing to maintain his tenuous hold on power in DC.

Maybe, as this vulgar campaign proceeds, we should follow Rick to confession...and see just how long it's now taking him to purge his soul these days.