Notes on Political Venality, Pomposity and Associated Stupidity.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Santorum and the Special K Street Project

When Jack Abramoff walked out of court looking like the snarky dark side of “Spy vs. Spy,” the collective careers of many DC insiders, including other powerful lobbyists and influencial legislators, began an inexorable march toward shame and oblivion. In the coming months there will clearly be a perfect storm of scandal along the grids and vectors of L’Enfant’s grand federal city. It’s happened before of course, but perhaps never at quite this level with this much money involved…and with this many people potentially tainted.

Rick Santorum, whose involvement in the so-called “K Street Project” is well known, may have a great deal of explaining to do. He was deeply involved in the efforts to man-handle lobbying firms, so that they only hired “approved” GOP operatives, people who would do the bidding of the Senate leadership and the White House.

It remains to be seen how much the public understands this issue or what was going on behind the scenes along that shady lane in DC, but the Abramoff scandal is just getting its legs. By the end of Q1, I’d guess that even Joe the Barber will know about K Street — and what it means.

I’d also guess that, while some Senators and Congressmen were swearing a blue streak at Jack’s defection, Santorum was saying his prayers — and asking for a light sentence.